Privacy Policy
Fine Apps Client, Fine Apps ePOD and Mobile Decision require You to share information with other users of the application. This page gives You an overview what kind of data You can expect to be collected and used by the software.
Personal Information
The software does not collect any personal information while You use it. Any information regarding users of the app are provided by backend system in accordance with your company. This serves the purpose of displaying correct user name and user specific settings in the app, but will not be distributed to third parties. Your personal information is used to define the authorization level and to grant necessary permissions within the app.
Non-Personal Information
Handling and distributing non-personal information is what the software relies on to implement core features. The collaboration between app users is only possible by storing and distributing data that You enter or provide while using the software. The collected data is handled securely, and will only be distributed between parties approved by Your company.
Following type of information can be collected while You are using the app: